Footsteps 2000 Ltd

Footsteps 2000 is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity. Our aim is to provide support to family members or indeed anyone who is affected by somebody else’s substance misuse. The charity was founded in 2000 by family members of drug and alcohol users who were struggling to cope with drug and alcohol problems in their own families. Indeed, many of our workers have lived experience therefore have an understanding of what you may be feeling. We aim to provide an appropriate and effective service to all family members concerned about substance misuse within their family, irrespective of whether or not their loved one is accessing treatment services. Footsteps have a committed team of staff who provide support through a wide range of services in both Warrington and St. Helens areas. Footsteps offer our support service to children and young people from the age of 4 years through to grandparents. We also have a service that we offer to those using drugs and/or alcohol.